
Flexiteek Sustainability Commitment During 2022

Flexiteek - Planting trees with The World Land Trust

Flexiteek International has continued its commitment to plant trees throughout 2022 in partnership with World Land Trust. More than 7,000 trees have been planted around the world during the year.

This full year commitment has grown the total number of trees we’ve funded to over 25,500 with WLT through its Plant a Tree Programme.

In 2020 when Flexiteek announced its pledge to fund the planting of one tree for every 10m2 of Flexiteek 2G synthetic teak sold worldwide we had a target of 8000 trees for the first year. Although, this was easily exceeded and with 2022’s achievements, Flexiteek is now well a head of the original target. The commitment to offsetting our carbon footprint will continue in 2023, in addition with a continued drive to recycle as much old product as possible and act as a responsible manufacturer.

Information on WLT and the Plant a Tree Programme

WLT works with in-country partners to protect crucial land areas. The sites are selected that are rich in biodiversity and that support long-term conservation goals. This is in order to connect and enlarge protected areas. This then supports the reforestation process with the assistance of a network of partners. Their efforts see them planting and caring for young trees to help them establish themselves as a new forest habitat.

In 2019, global deforestation reached 64 million acres a year.

Flexiteek has signed an agreement with WLT to donate £5 for every 10m2 of Flexiteek 2G synthetic teak sold worldwide. So every £5 donation will go towards the nurturing, planting, and protecting of one tree in an area lost to deforestation.

Learn more about WLT here.

Image credit: Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash